Google App

Google app on Android phone or iPhone

Explore deep and wide
Find what you need

Knowing what’s up is easier than ever with Google. With this campaign, Google is encouraging people to ‘stay in the know’.

Google App

Find what you need

Once you download the Google App on your Android phone or iPhone, you get info, ideas and inspiration on the go. The Google app helps you plan your next evening out (or in), with the perfect dinner, the right movie, and much more.

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Keep up with what matters to you

With Google App, your feed keeps you in the know about the topics that interest you. You get timely updates and stories about your favourite sports teams, bands, movies, celebs, hobbies, and more—all in one place. You can customize it to your liking to follow exactly what’s interesting and important to you.

Explore deep and wide

Google encourages you to Immerse yourself in popular categories like dining, entertainment, sports, and more. Whether you’re looking for something specific, browsing, or just wondering what other questions you should ask, there’s a ton to explore.

More than a bystander. Chocolate soldier. Pineapple lover. Loves music & movies. Curious about news & trends.